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Monthly Archives : October 2022

Pragnell Jewellery: Ad Campaign

Pragnell logo

I have recently finished a long project which involved me scoring a number of adverts to Jeweller to the stars Pragnell. 18 in total!

It has been super fun. I really got back in touch with my different musical influences as each ad needed its own stamp of individuality. So genre-wise Hip-hop, Pop, Balearic, Classical, Latin, House – all got a look in.

Here is a link to the Vimeo Playlist – Pragnell Ad Playlist

Woodstock 99: Burn It Down! Update

Well it’s a bit of a lie – as I still don’t quite know when this film is coming out but I’m promised it’s very soon. There have been a few legal issues since its premiere at the BFI London Film Festival this time last year which was a lovely evening. It has been sold to Paramount Plus so am told that its release will be imminent (and international!). Am very much looking forward to seeing it on the small screen – and will keep everyone posted as to when that happens.


Tight…new feature doc

I am pleased to say that i have been working with my old friend and collaborator Sarathy Korwar on a new feature doc about Indian Bodybuilders called `Tight. It has been commissioned by Vice Media and is a heart-warmer of a tale with an unlikely subject matter. I have been bought in to help Sarathy do some additional music arranging and mixing.

In the meantime of course Sarathy continues to smash it out of the park with his original music. His new album getting a 5 start review from the Guardian on Friday!

Screenshot 2022-10-11 at 12.43.56

New studio equipment and a sound-mixing course

I have just completed a course with Berklee online called the Art of Mixing. Knowing that as a composer these days the finished product needs to be not just composed beautifully but also mixed like a pro, I thought I’d invest in that side of my art-form. 3 months later with Pandora’s box fully opened, and my bank balance depleted I now find myself with a load of uber-high end audio equipment. A full suite of UAD plug-ins and a Apollo Quad core interface that should serve me (and you!) very well for the next few years.


Already the difference to the sonic finish of my recent work is unquestionable and am exciting to make more sweet sounding music with this gear


Looking back over these blog posts, I can see that i have an updating cycle of approximately once a year. Safe to say I am not a natural blogger. However I have had my hands full, not least with a small boy called Henry Hannay who has been a rather large feature of my life since March 2021.

Notwithstanding I have still been working away on the music and will do a few separate posts for the differing elements that are worth putting out there